About us2024-03-12T08:17:08+01:00


Since 1957 the Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Sports Equestres a.s.b.l.  (FLSE) represents as organisation the horse sport and all the riding sport associations in nearly all disciplines Luxembourg. As associated with the Fédération Equestre International (FEI), the FLSE offers all possibilities to their national athletes to participate on competitions and championchips, and this worldwide.

Actual President is François Thiry, who took over the chair in 1997 from the long leading  Georges Wagner. In the year 1998 Luxemburgs Riding Federation negociated an agreement with the german Federation “FN – Fédération Nationale” in Warendorf which is still uptodate nowadays. So the athletes have to follow the german rulebooks  LPO and  APO, and at the end the rulebook from FEI.


3, Route d’Arlon
L-8009 Strassen

Tel. +352 48 49 99
Fax. +352 48 50 39

Opening hours :
Monday to Thursday: 08.00 – 12.00, afternoon on appointment

Friday on appointment

Contact: Engel Paul & Guy Franziskus

The Committee

The Board of Directors

Francois Thiry

Pierre Rossy

Paul Engel

Franz Schiltz

Other Members of the Board

The Board of Directors and the presidents of the Commissions

Christian Weier (president)

Julie Thiry

Stéphanie Hein

Carlo Rollinger

Eric Lanners

Kim Grangenette

Sophie Rossy (president)

Jens Thorsen

Monique Halsdorf

Roland Mathay

Martine Kremer (president)


Claude Malget

Claudine Laplume

Franz Schiltz

Jacques Lemmer

Mathias Henkes


Luc Schmitz

Martine Weber

Mike Ries

Win Baumert

Frank Stelmes

Max Leischen (president)

to define

Nicolas Kandel (president)


FLSE Judges
FLSE Course Designer
FLSE Stewards
FLSE Candidat Judges
FLSE Trainer

Seminars & Refreshers